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Written by : Paula Felps 

Practicing Outrageous Kindness with Kristina Joy Carlson

Some days kindness seems in short supply, but this week host Paula Felps is joined by Kristina Joy Carlson, founder of the KINDd Method and managing director of global philanthropy at Carter Global. Kristina has turned her personal practice of outrageous kindness into an inspirational campaign that can be practiced by individuals and corporations alike. In this episode, she explains what it means to practice outrageous kindness and how it can change the world we live in.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why listening to people with different viewpoints fosters greater kindness.
  • What the KINDd Method is and how to practice it.
  • How to start looking for ways to make each moment better.


Learn more about outrageous kindness and the KINDd Method here.

Enter a drawing for a free consultation with Kristina. Email with subject line LiveHappy by September 30 to be eligible.

Follow Kristina on social media here.

Follow along with the transcript by clicking here.


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